Source code for goo.cell

from typing import Optional, Union, Dict
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict

import bpy
import bmesh
from bpy.types import Modifier, ClothModifier, CollisionModifier
from mathutils import Vector

from goo.force import * 
from goo.utils import * 

from goo.molecule import Molecule

[docs] class Cell(BlenderObject): """A cell. Cells are represented in Blender by mesh objects. They can interact with physics by adding Blender modifiers, and the forces that influence its motion is determined by an associated collection. Args: obj: Blender object to be used as the representation of the cell. Attributes: celltype (CellType): The cell type to which the cell belongs. """ def __init__(self, obj: bpy.types.Object, mat=None): super(Cell, self).__init__(obj) # Set up effector collections self._effectors ="{}_effectors") # self.add_effector(ForceCollection.global_forces()) # link global forces self._mat = mat self._color = mat.diffuse_color[:3] if mat else None self.celltype: CellType = None self._physics_enabled = False self.mod_settings = [] self._homo_adhesion: AdhesionForce = None self._hetero_adhesions: list[AdhesionForce] = [] self._motion_force: MotionForce = None # concentrations of molecules in interstitial space self._molecules_conc: Dict[str, float] = {} @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the cell. Also defines the name of related forces and collections of effectors. """ return @name.setter def name(self, name: str): old_name = = name = f"{name}_mesh" = f"{name}_effectors" if self._mat: = f"{name}_material" for force in self._hetero_adhesions: =, name, 1) if self.motion_force: =, name, 1)
[docs] def copy(self) -> "Cell": """Copies the cell. The underlying Blender object, object data, and material if applicable. Warning: Any settings that use custom collections will not be updated. It is advised that physics modifiers are set up again for the daughter cell after calling `copy()`. Returns: A new cell with copied object and mesh data. """ # Set up object, mesh, and material for copy obj_copy = self.obj.copy() = if self._mat is not None: mat_copy = self._mat.copy() else: mat_copy = None cell_copy = Cell(obj_copy, mat_copy) cell_copy._physics_enabled = self.physics_enabled cell_copy._update_cloth() return cell_copy
# ----- CUSTOM PROPERTIES ----- def __setitem__(self, k: str, v: Union[float, list[float], int, list[int], str]):[k] = v def __contains__(self, k: str): return k in def __getitem__(self, k): return[k] # ----- BASIC FUNCTIONS ----- @property def obj_eval(self) -> bpy.types.ID: """The evaluated object. Note: See the `Blender API Documentation for evaluated_get(depsgraph) <>`__. """ dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() obj_eval = self.obj.evaluated_get(dg) return obj_eval
[docs] def vertices(self, local_coords: bool = False) -> list[Vector]: """Returns the vertices of the mesh representation of the cell. Args: local_coords: if `True`, coordinates are returned in local object space rather than world space. Returns: List of coordinates of vertices. """ verts = if local_coords: return [ for v in verts] else: matrix_world = self.obj_eval.matrix_world return [matrix_world @ for v in verts]
[docs] def volume(self) -> float: """Calculates the volume of the cell. Returns: The signed volume of the cell (with physics evaluated). """ bm = bm.from_mesh(self.obj_eval.to_mesh()) bm.transform(self.obj_eval.matrix_world) volume = bm.calc_volume() return volume
[docs] def COM(self, local_coords: bool = False) -> Vector: """Calculates the center of mass of a cell. Args: local_coords: if `True`, coordinates are returned in local object space rather than world space. Returns: The vector representing the center of mass of the cell. """ vert_coords = self.vertices(local_coords) com = Vector(np.mean(vert_coords, axis=0)) return com
def _get_eigenvector(self, n: int) -> Axis: """Returns the nth eigenvector (axis) in object space as a line defined by two Vectors. This function calculates the nth eigenvector of the covariance matrix defined by the cell's vertices. The eigenvector axis is defined by two points: the vertices in the direction of the eigenvector with the smallest and largest projections. Args: n: The index of the eigenvector to return. Returns: An axis defined by the eigenvector and the vertices at the extreme projections along this vector. """ verts = self.vertices() # Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix covariance_matrix = np.cov(verts, rowvar=False) eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(covariance_matrix) eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, eigenvalues.argsort()[::-1]] axis = eigenvectors[:, n] projections = verts @ axis min_index = np.argmin(projections) max_index = np.argmax(projections) first_vertex = Vector(verts[min_index]) last_vertex = Vector(verts[max_index]) return Axis(Vector(axis), first_vertex, last_vertex, self.obj_eval.matrix_world)
[docs] def major_axis(self) -> Axis: """Returns the major axis of the cell.""" return self._get_eigenvector(0)
[docs] def minor_axis(self) -> Axis: """Returns the minor axis of the cell.""" return self._get_eigenvector(1)
[docs] def get_radius(self): """Calculate the radius based on the major and minor axes of the cell.""" major_axis = self.major_axis() length_major = np.linalg.norm(major_axis._start - major_axis._end) minor_axis = self.minor_axis() length_minor = np.linalg.norm(minor_axis._start - minor_axis._end) return (length_major + length_minor) / 2
[docs] def divide(self, division_logic) -> tuple["Cell", "Cell"]: """Cause the cell to divide into two daughter cells. This function causes the cell to divide into two daughter cells according to the provided division logic. The daughter cells inherit the cell type of the mother cell. Args: division_logic: The division logic to use, which handles the creation of two cells from the original cell. Returns: A tuple of two daughter cells, resulting from the division of the mother cell. """ # TODO: rewrite code to make it clearer that there are two daughter # cells splitting from a mother cell. mother, daughter = division_logic.make_divide(self) if mother.celltype: mother.celltype.add_cell(daughter) return mother, daughter
[docs] def recenter(self): """Recenter the cell origin to the center of mass of the cell.""" bm = bm.from_mesh(self.obj_eval.to_mesh()) com = self.COM() bmesh.ops.translate(bm, verts=bm.verts, vec=-self.COM(local_coords=True)) bm.to_mesh( self.loc = com
[docs] def remesh(self, voxel_size: float = 0.55, smooth: bool = False): """Remesh the underlying mesh representation of the cell. Remeshing is done using the built-in `voxel_remesh()`. Args: voxel_size: The resolution used for the remesher (smaller means more polygons). smooth: If true, the final cell faces will appear smooth. """ # use of object ops is 2x faster than remeshing with modifiers = "VOXEL" = voxel_size with bpy.context.temp_override(active_object=self.obj, object=self.obj): bpy.ops.object.voxel_remesh() for f in f.use_smooth = smooth
[docs] def recolor(self, color: tuple[float, float, float]): """Recolors the material of the cell. This function changes the diffuse color of the cell's material to the specified color while preserving the alpha value. If the material uses nodes, it also updates the 'Base Color' input of any nodes that have it. Args: color: A tuple (r, g, b) representing the new color to apply. """ r, g, b = color _, _, _, a = self._mat.diffuse_color self._mat.diffuse_color = (r, g, b, a) self.celltype.color = color self.color = color if self._mat.use_nodes: for node in self._mat.node_tree.nodes: if "Base Color" in node.inputs: _, _, _, a = node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = r, g, b, a
[docs] def calculate_dist_to_voxel(self, voxel_loc: Vector) -> float: """Calculate the distance from a cell to a voxel. Args: voxel_loc: The location of the voxel. """ com = self.COM() return (com - voxel_loc).length
# ----- PHYSICS -----
[docs] def get_modifier(self, type) -> Optional[Modifier]: """Retrieves the first modifier of the specified type from the underlying object representation of the cell. Args: type: The type of the modifier to search for. Returns: The first modifier of the specified type if found, otherwise None. """ return next((m for m in self.obj.modifiers if m.type == type), None)
@property def color(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Color of the cell.""" return self._color @color.setter def color(self, color: tuple[float, float, float]): self._color = color @property def cloth_mod(self) -> Optional[ClothModifier]: """The cloth modifier of the cell if it exists, otherwise None.""" return self.get_modifier("CLOTH") @property def collision_mod(self) -> Optional[CollisionModifier]: """The collision modifier of the cell if it exists, otherwise None.""" return self.get_modifier("COLLISION") @property def physics_enabled(self) -> bool: """Whether physics is enabled for this cell.""" return self._physics_enabled def _update_cloth(self): """Update the cloth modifier is correctly set to be affected by forces acting upon the cell. """ if self.cloth_mod: self.cloth_mod.settings.effector_weights.collection = self._effectors
[docs] def setup_physics(self, physics_constructor: PhysicsConstructor): """Set up the physics properties for the cell. This function initializes the physics properties of the cell using the given physics constructor. It then marks the physics as enabled. Args: physics_constructor: A function or callable that sets up the physics properties for the object. """ physics_constructor(self.obj) self._update_cloth() self._physics_enabled = True
[docs] def enable_physics(self): """Enable the physics simulation for the cell. This function re-enables the physics simulation for the cell by recreating the modifier stack from stored settings, updating the cloth modifier, and enabling any adhesion forces. Raises: RuntimeError: If physics is already enabled. """ if self._physics_enabled: raise RuntimeError( f"{}: physics must be disabled before enabling." ) # recreate modifier stack for name, type, settings in self.mod_settings: mod =, type=type) declare_settings(mod, settings) self.mod_settings.clear() # ensure cloth mod is set correctly self._update_cloth() for force in self.adhesion_forces: force.enable() self._physics_enabled = True
[docs] def disable_physics(self): """ Disable the physics simulation for the cell. This function disables the physics simulation for the cell by storing the current modifier settings, removing all modifiers, and disabling any adhesion forces. Raises: RuntimeError: If physics is not enabled. """ if not self._physics_enabled: raise RuntimeError( f"{}: physics must be set up and/or enabled before disabling." ) for mod in self.obj.modifiers: name, type =, mod.type settings = store_settings(mod) self.mod_settings.append((name, type, settings)) self.obj.modifiers.remove(mod) for force in self.adhesion_forces: force.disable() self._physics_enabled = False
@property def stiffness(self) -> float: """Stiffness of the membrane of the cell.""" return self.cloth_mod.settings.tension_stiffness @stiffness.setter def stiffness(self, stiffness: float): self.cloth_mod.settings.tension_stiffness = stiffness self.cloth_mod.settings.compression_stiffness = stiffness self.cloth_mod.settings.shear_stiffness = stiffness @property def pressure(self) -> float: """Internal pressure of the cell.""" return self.cloth_mod.settings.uniform_pressure_force @pressure.setter def pressure(self, pressure: float): self.cloth_mod.settings.uniform_pressure_force = pressure # ----- FORCES -----
[docs] def add_effector(self, force: Force | ForceCollection): """Add a force or a collection of forces that affects this cell. Args: force: The force or collection of forces to add. """ if isinstance(force, Force): elif isinstance(force, ForceCollection):
[docs] def remove_effector(self, force: Force | ForceCollection): """Remove a force or a collection of forces that affects this cell. Args: force: The force or collection of forces to remove. """ if isinstance(force, Force): self._effectors.objects.unlink(force.obj) elif isinstance(force, ForceCollection): self._effectors.children.unlink(force.collection)
@property def homo_adhesion(self) -> AdhesionForce: """Homotypic adhesion force of the cell.""" return self._homo_adhesion @homo_adhesion.setter def homo_adhesion(self, force: AdhesionForce): self._homo_adhesion = force @property def adhesion_forces(self) -> list[AdhesionForce]: """Heterotypic adhesion forces of the cell.""" return [self._homo_adhesion] + self._hetero_adhesions @property def motion_force(self) -> Force: """Motion force of the cell.""" return self._motion_force @motion_force.setter def motion_force(self, force: MotionForce): if self.motion_force: self.remove_effector(self.motion_force) self.add_effector(force) self._motion_force = force
[docs] def move_towards(self, dir: Vector): """Sets the motion force to move the cell in a specified direction. This function sets the motion force to move the cell in the specified direction. If the cell does not have an associated motion force, it raises a RuntimeError. Args: dir (Vector): The direction in which to set the motion force. Raises: RuntimeError: If the cell does not have an associated motion force. """ if not self._motion_force: raise RuntimeError( f"Cell {} does not have an associated motion force!" ) motion_loc = self.loc + dir.normalized() * (2 + self.major_axis().length()) self._motion_force.set_loc(motion_loc, self.loc)
# ----- MOLECULES ----- @property def molecules_conc(self): return self._molecules_conc @molecules_conc.setter def molecules_conc(self, conc: defaultdict[float]): self._molecules_conc.update(conc)
[docs] def create_cell( name: str, loc: tuple, color: tuple = None, physics_constructor: PhysicsConstructor = None, physics_on: bool = True, **kwargs, ) -> Cell: """Creates a new cell using the default cell type. Args: name: The name of the cell. loc: The location of the cell. color: The color of the cell. physics_constructor: A generator of physics properties of the cell. physics_on: Whether to enable physics for the cell. **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the Blender mesh generator function. Returns: The newly created cell. """ cell = CellType.default_celltype().create_cell( name, loc, color, physics_constructor, physics_on, **kwargs ) return cell
[docs] def store_settings(mod: bpy.types.bpy_struct) -> dict: """Store the settings of a Blender modifier in a dictionary. Args: mod: The Blender modifier. Returns: A dictionary with the stored settings. """ settings = {} for p in id = p.identifier if not p.is_readonly: settings[id] = getattr(mod, id) elif id in ["settings", "collision_settings", "effector_weights"]: settings[id] = store_settings(getattr(mod, id)) return settings
[docs] def declare_settings(mod: bpy.types.bpy_struct, settings: dict): """Recursively apply stored settings to a Blender modifier. Args: mod: The Blender modifier to which the settings are applied. settings: A dictionary containing the settings. """ for id, setting in settings.items(): if isinstance(setting, dict): declare_settings(getattr(mod, id), settings[id]) else: setattr(mod, id, setting)
[docs] class CellType: """A cell type. Cell types are represented in Blender by collection. Cells of the same cell type interact through homotypic adhesion forces, and interact with cells of different cell types through heterotypic adhesion forces. Cell types have default mesh creation settings (including color) and default physics settings (including cloth, collision, homotypic adhesion forces, and motion forces). Args: name: The name of the cell type. physics_enabled: Whether cells of this cell type are responsive to physics. Attributes: homo_adhesion_strength (int): Default homotypic adhesion strength between cells of this type. motion_strength (int): Default motion strength of cells of this type. """ _mesh_kwargs = {} _physics_constructor = PhysicsConstructor( SubsurfConstructor, ClothConstructor, CollisionConstructor, # RemeshConstructor, ) color = (0.007, 0.021, 0.3) _default_celltype = None def __init__(self, name: str, physics_enabled: bool = True): self._homo_adhesions = ForceCollection(name) self._cells = set() self._physics_enabled = physics_enabled self._hetero_adhesions = {} self.homo_adhesion_strength: int = 2000 self.motion_strength: int = 0
[docs] @staticmethod def default_celltype() -> "CellType": """Get the default cell type.""" if CellType._default_celltype is None: CellType._default_celltype = CellType("default") return CellType._default_celltype
@property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the cell type.""" return
[docs] def add_cell(self, cell: Cell): """Add a cell to the cell type, activating its physics and constructing appropriate forces. This method sets the cell type of the added cell to this cell type and activates physics for the cell. It constructs and adds homotypic adhesion forces, heterotypic adhesion forces, and motion forces defined for this cell type. Args: cell: The cell to add to the cell type. """ cell.celltype = self self._cells.add(cell) if not self._physics_enabled: return # add homotypic adhesion force homo_adhesion = create_adhesion(self.homo_adhesion_strength, obj=cell.obj) cell.homo_adhesion = homo_adhesion self._homo_adhesions.add_force(homo_adhesion) cell.add_effector(self._homo_adhesions) # add heterotypic adhesion forces for celltype, item in self._hetero_adhesions.items(): outgoing_forces, incoming_forces, strength = item hetero_adhesion = create_adhesion( strength, name=f"{}_to_{}", loc=cell.loc ) cell.add_effector(incoming_forces) outgoing_forces.add_force(hetero_adhesion) cell.link_adhesion_force(hetero_adhesion) # add motion force motion = create_motion( name=f"{}_motion", loc=(0, 0, 0), strength=self.motion_strength, ) cell.motion_force = motion motion.hide()
# TODO: implement correctly def _remove_cell(self, cell: Cell): pass # cell.celltype = None # self._cells.remove(cell)
[docs] def create_cell( self, name: str, loc: tuple, color: tuple = None, physics_constructor: PhysicsConstructor = None, physics_on: bool = True, **mesh_kwargs, ) -> Cell: """Creates a new cell, then adds it to this cell type. Args: name: The name of the cell. loc: The location of the cell. color: The color of the cell. physics_constructor: A generator of physics properties of the cell. physics_on: Whether to enable physics for the cell. **mesh_kwargs: keyword arguments passed to the Blender mesh generator function. Returns: The newly created cell. Note: `create_cell` does not directly activate physics, which is handled by the `add_cell` function. This is significant for division, which will use the default `CellType` settings to set up cell physics, rather than any custom settings of the dividing cell. """ mesh_kwargs = dict(self.__class__._mesh_kwargs, **mesh_kwargs) if color is None: color = self.__class__.color obj = create_mesh(name, loc, mesh="icosphere", **mesh_kwargs) mat = create_material(f"{name}_material", color=color) if color else None cell = Cell(obj, mat) cell.color = color cell.remesh() # enable physics for cell if physics_constructor is None: physics_constructor = self.__class__._physics_constructor if self._physics_enabled and physics_on: cell.setup_physics(physics_constructor) self.add_cell(cell) return cell
# TODO: create cells in shape or in specified locations of specified cell types
[docs] def create_cells(celltype, locs=None, shape=None, size=None): pass
@property def cells(self) -> list[Cell]: """The list of cells associated with this cell type.""" return list(self._cells)
[docs] def set_hetero_adhesion(self, other_celltype: "CellType", strength: float): """Set the default strength of heterotypic adhesion forces between this cell type and another. Args: other_celltype: The other cell type in relation to which heterotypic adhesion forces will be defined. strength: The force of the adhesion forces. """ outgoing_forces = ForceCollection(f"{}_to_{}") incoming_forces = ForceCollection(f"{}_to_{}") self._hetero_adhesions[other_celltype] = ( outgoing_forces, incoming_forces, strength, ) other_celltype._hetero_adhesions[self] = ( incoming_forces, outgoing_forces, strength, )
[docs] class SimpleType(CellType): """A cell type that is reduced in complexity for faster rendering.""" color = None physics_constructor = PhysicsConstructor( ClothConstructor, CollisionConstructor, )
[docs] class YolkType(CellType): """A larger cell type used for modeling embryonic yolks.""" mesh_kwargs = { "size": 10, "subdivisions": 4, } physics_constructor = PhysicsConstructor( YolkClothConstructor, CollisionConstructor, ) color = (0.64, 0.64, 0.64)