Source code for goo.cell

from typing_extensions import Optional

import numpy as np
import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
from bpy.types import ClothModifier, CollisionModifier

from .utils import *
from .force import *
from .growth import *
from .gene import GeneRegulatoryNetwork as GRN, Gene, Circuit
from .molecule import DiffusionSystem, Molecule

[docs] class Cell(BlenderObject): """A cell. Cells are represented in Blender by mesh objects. They can interact with physics by adding Blender modifiers, and the forces that influence its motion is determined by an associated collection. Args: obj: Blender object to be used as the representation of the cell. Attributes: celltype (CellType): The cell type to which the cell belongs. """ def __init__(self): self._name = "" self.obj: bpy.types.Object = None self.direction = Vector() self.adhesion_forces: list[AdhesionForce] = [] self.motion_force: MotionForce = None self.effectors: ForceCollection = None self.growth_controller: GrowthController = None self.grn: GRN = None self.hooks = [] self.just_divided = False self.physics_enabled = False self.mod_settings = [] @property def name(self): return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name if self.obj: = name if self.effectors: = name + "_effectors" if self.motion_force: = name + "_motion" @property def mat(self): if return[0] return None
[docs] def copy(self): other_obj = self.obj.copy() = other = self.celltype.create_cell( + "_copy", self.loc, obj=other_obj) other.growth_controller = self.growth_controller.copy() other.grn = self.grn.copy() other.physics_enabled = self.physics_enabled if self.cloth_mod: other.pressure = self.pressure other.stiffness = self.stiffness other._update_cloth() other.mod_settings = self.mod_settings.copy() return other
# ===== Mesh properties =====
[docs] def volume(self) -> float: """Calculates the volume of the cell. Returns: The signed volume of the cell (with physics evaluated). """ bm = bm.from_mesh(self.obj_eval.to_mesh()) bm.transform(self.obj_eval.matrix_world) volume = bm.calc_volume() return volume
# TODO: this is scale invariant! (does not update with scale)
[docs] def area(self) -> float: """Calculates the surface area of the cell. Returns: The surface area of the cell. """ faces = area = sum(f.area for f in faces) return area
[docs] def COM(self, local_coords: bool = False) -> Vector: """Calculates the center of mass of the cell. Args: local_coords: if `True`, coordinates are returned in local object space rather than world space. Returns: The vector representing the center of mass of the cell. """ vert_coords = self.vertices(local_coords) com = Vector(np.mean(vert_coords, axis=0)) return com
[docs] def aspect_ratio(self) -> float: """Calculates the aspect ratio of the cell. The aspect ratio is the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis of the cell. Returns: The aspect ration value for a cell. """ major_axis = self.major_axis().length() minor_axis = self.minor_axis().length() aspect_ratio = major_axis / minor_axis return aspect_ratio
[docs] def sphericity(self) -> float: """Calculates the sphericity of the cell. The sphericity is a measure of how closely a cell resembles a perfect sphere. It is calculated as the ratio of the surface area of a sphere with the same volume as the cell to the surface area of the cell. Returns: The sphericity value for the cell. """ volume = self.volume() surface_area = self.area() sphericity = (np.pi ** (1 / 3) * (6 * volume) ** (2 / 3)) / surface_area return sphericity
[docs] def compactness(self) -> float: """Calculates the compactness of the cell. Compactness provides a measure of how efficiently the volume is enclosed by the surface area, calculated as . Returns: The compactness value for the cell. """ volume = self.volume() area = self.area() compactness = volume**2 / area**3 return compactness
[docs] def sav_ratio(self) -> float: """Calculates the surface area: volume (SA:V) ratio of the cell. Returns: The SA:V ratio of the cell. """ volume = self.volume() area = self.area() sav_ratio = area / volume return sav_ratio
def _get_eigenvector(self, n: int) -> Axis: """Returns the nth eigenvector (axis) in object space as a line defined by two Vectors. This function calculates the nth eigenvector of the covariance matrix defined by the cell's vertices. The eigenvector axis is defined by two points: the vertices in the direction of the eigenvector with the smallest and largest projections. Args: n: The index of the eigenvector to return. Returns: An axis defined by the eigenvector and the vertices at the extreme projections along this vector. """ verts = self.vertices() # Calculate the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix covariance_matrix = np.cov(verts, rowvar=False) eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(covariance_matrix) eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, eigenvalues.argsort()[::-1]] axis = eigenvectors[:, n] projections = verts @ axis min_index = np.argmin(projections) max_index = np.argmax(projections) first_vertex = Vector(verts[min_index]) last_vertex = Vector(verts[max_index]) return Axis(Vector(axis), first_vertex, last_vertex, self.obj_eval.matrix_world)
[docs] def major_axis(self) -> Axis: """Returns the major axis of the cell.""" return self._get_eigenvector(0)
[docs] def minor_axis(self) -> Axis: """Returns the minor axis of the cell.""" return self._get_eigenvector(1)
[docs] def radius(self): """Calculate the radius based on the major and minor axes of the cell.""" major_axis = self.major_axis() minor_axis = self.minor_axis() return (major_axis.length() + minor_axis.length()) / 2
# ===== Mesh operations ===== @property def obj_eval(self) -> bpy.types.ID: """The evaluated object. Note: See the `Blender API Documentation for evaluated_get(depsgraph) <>`__. """ dg = bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get() obj_eval = self.obj.evaluated_get(dg) return obj_eval
[docs] def vertices(self, local_coords: bool = False) -> list[Vector]: """Returns the vertices of the mesh representation of the cell. Args: local_coords: if `True`, coordinates are returned in local object space rather than world space. Returns: List of coordinates of vertices. """ verts = if local_coords: return [ for v in verts] else: matrix_world = self.obj_eval.matrix_world return [matrix_world @ for v in verts]
[docs] def recenter(self, origin=True, forces=True): """Recenter cell origin to center of mass of cell, and center forces to that same origin.""" com = self.COM() # Recenter mesh origin to COM bm = bm.from_mesh(self.obj.to_mesh()) bmesh.ops.translate(bm, verts=bm.verts, vec=-self.COM(local_coords=True)) bm.to_mesh( self.loc = com # Recenter forces to COM for force in self.adhesion_forces: force.loc = self.loc
[docs] def remesh(self, voxel_size: float = 0.45, smooth: bool = True) -> None: """Remesh the underlying mesh representation of the cell. Remeshing is done using the built-in `voxel_remesh()`. Args: voxel_size: The resolution used for the remesher (smaller means more polygons). smooth: If true, the final cell faces will appear smooth. Note: The `voxel_remesh()` operator is used to remesh the cell. This operator is faster than using the remesh modifier, but it can only be used on objects with a mesh data type. """ # use of object ops is 2x faster than remeshing with modifiers = "VOXEL" = voxel_size with bpy.context.temp_override(active_object=self.obj, object=self.obj): bpy.ops.object.voxel_remesh() for f in f.use_smooth = smooth
@property def color(self) -> tuple[float, float, float]: """Color of the cell""" return self.mat.diffuse_color[:3]
[docs] def recolor(self, color: tuple[float, float, float]) -> None: """Recolors the material of the cell. This function changes the diffuse color of the cell's material to the specified color while preserving the alpha value. If the material uses nodes, it also updates the 'Base Color' input of any nodes that have it. Args: color: A tuple (r, g, b) representing the new color to apply. """ r, g, b = color _, _, _, a = self.mat.diffuse_color self.mat.diffuse_color = (r, g, b, a) if self.mat.use_nodes: for node in self.mat.node_tree.nodes: if "Base Color" in node.inputs: _, _, _, a = node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value node.inputs["Base Color"].default_value = r, g, b, a
# ===== Physics operations =====
[docs] def enable_physics(self): """Enable the physics simulation for the cell. This function re-enables the physics simulation for the cell by recreating the modifier stack from stored settings, updating the cloth modifier, and enabling any adhesion forces. Raises: RuntimeError: If physics is already enabled. """ if self.physics_enabled: raise RuntimeError( f"Trying to enable physics on cell {} when already enabled!" ) # recreate modifier stack for name, type, settings in self.mod_settings: mod =, type=type) declare_settings(mod, settings) self.mod_settings.clear() # ensure cloth mod is set correctly self._update_cloth() for force in self.adhesion_forces: force.enable() self.physics_enabled = True
[docs] def disable_physics(self): """ Disable the physics simulation for the cell. This function disables the physics simulation for the cell by storing the current modifier settings, removing all modifiers, and disabling any adhesion forces. Raises: RuntimeError: If physics is not enabled. """ if not self.physics_enabled: raise RuntimeError( f"Trying to disable physics on cell {} when already disabled!" ) for mod in self.obj.modifiers: name, type =, mod.type settings = store_settings(mod) self.mod_settings.append((name, type, settings)) self.obj.modifiers.remove(mod) for force in self.adhesion_forces: force.disable() self.physics_enabled = False
def _update_cloth(self): """Update the cloth modifier is correctly set to be affected by forces acting upon the cell. """ if self.cloth_mod and self.effectors: self.cloth_mod.settings.effector_weights.collection = self.effectors.col
[docs] def get_modifier(self, type) -> Optional[bpy.types.Modifier]: """Retrieves the first modifier of the specified type from the underlying object representation of the cell. Args: type: The type of the modifier to search for. Returns: The first modifier of the specified type if found, otherwise None. """ return next((m for m in self.obj.modifiers if m.type == type), None)
@property def cloth_mod(self) -> Optional[ClothModifier]: """The cloth modifier of the cell if it exists, otherwise None.""" return self.get_modifier("CLOTH") @property def collision_mod(self) -> Optional[CollisionModifier]: """The collision modifier of the cell if it exists, otherwise None.""" return self.get_modifier("COLLISION") @property def stiffness(self) -> float: """Stiffness of the membrane of the cell.""" return self.cloth_mod.settings.tension_stiffness @stiffness.setter def stiffness(self, stiffness: float): self.cloth_mod.settings.tension_stiffness = stiffness self.cloth_mod.settings.compression_stiffness = stiffness self.cloth_mod.settings.shear_stiffness = stiffness @property def pressure(self) -> float: """Internal pressure of the cell.""" return self.cloth_mod.settings.uniform_pressure_force @pressure.setter def pressure(self, pressure: float): self.cloth_mod.settings.uniform_pressure_force = pressure if self.growth_controller: self.growth_controller.set_pressure(pressure)
[docs] def add_effector(self, force: Force | ForceCollection): """Add a force or a collection of forces that affects this cell. Args: force: The force or collection of forces to add. """ # If effectors is not yet instantiated, create new effectors. if self.effectors is None: self.effectors = ForceCollection(f"{}_effectors") self.effectors.add(force)
[docs] def remove_effector(self, force: Force | ForceCollection): """Remove a force or a collection of forces that affects this cell. Args: force: The force or collection of forces to remove. """ self.effectors.remove(force)
[docs] def add_force(self, force: Force): """Add a force that affects this cell. Args: force: The force to add. """ if isinstance(force, AdhesionForce): self.adhesion_forces.append(force) elif isinstance(force, MotionForce): self.add_effector(force) self.motion_force = force
# ===== Cell actions =====
[docs] def divide(self, division_logic): """Divide the cell into two daughter cells.""" mother, daughter = division_logic.make_divide(self) mother.just_divided = True daughter.just_divided = True return mother, daughter
[docs] def move(self, direction: tuple = None, strength=None): """Set move location. If direction is not specified, then use previous direction as reference. """ if direction is not None: self.direction = Vector(direction) elif self.direction is None: raise ValueError( "Direction must be specified if cell's direction \ has not been previously set!" ) motion_loc = self.loc + self.direction.normalized() * (2 + self.radius()) self.motion_force.loc = motion_loc self.motion_force.point_towards(self.loc) if strength is not None: self.motion_force.strength = strength
[docs] def step_growth(self, dt=1): if self.just_divided: self.growth_controller.step_divided(self.volume()) self.just_divided = False else: new_pressure = self.growth_controller.step_growth(self.volume(), dt) self.pressure = new_pressure
[docs] def step_grn(self, diffsys: DiffusionSystem = None, dt=1): """Calculate and update the metabolite concentrations of the gene regulatory network after 1 time step.""" com = self.COM() radius = self.radius() # Step through GRN self.grn.update_concs(diffsys, com, radius, dt) self["genes"] = {str(k): v for k, v in self.metabolites.items()} # Update physical attributes for hook in self.hooks: hook(diffsys)
# ===== Gene regulatory network items ===== @property def metabolites(self): return self.grn.concs @metabolites.setter def metabolites(self, metabolites): self["genes"] = {str(k): v for k, v in metabolites.items()} self.grn.concs = metabolites def __setitem__(self, name: str, value) -> None: self.obj[name] = value def __getitem__(self, name: str): return self.obj[name] def __contains__(self, k: str): return self.obj.__contains__(k)
[docs] class PropertyUpdater: """A class that updates a property of a cell based on a gene value. Args: getter: The getter function. transformer: The transformer function. setter: The setter function. Attributes: getter: A function that retrieves the gene value from a diffusion system. transformer: A function that transforms the gene value into a property value. setter: A function that sets the property value of a cell. """ def __init__(self, getter, transformer, setter): self.getter = getter self.transformer = transformer self.setter = setter def __call__(self, diffsys: DiffusionSystem): """Update the property of a cell based on the gene value.""" gene_value = self.getter(diffsys) prop_value = self.transformer(gene_value) self.setter(prop_value)
[docs] def create_scalar_updater( cell: Cell, gene: Gene, property, relationship="linear", gscale=(0, 1), pscale=(0, 1), ): """Create a scalar updater that links a gene to a scalar property of a cell. Args: cell: The cell object. gene: The gene that is linked to the property. property: The property that is linked to the gene. relationship: The relationship between the gene and the property. gscale: The scale of the gene values. pscale: The scale of the property values. Returns: A PropertyUpdater object that can be used to update the property. """ gmin, gmax = gscale pmin, pmax = pscale # Simple gene getter def gene_getter(diffsys): """Get the gene value from the diffusion system.""" return cell.metabolites[gene] # Different transformers def linear_transformer(gene_value): """Transform the gene value into a property value using a linear relationship.""" if gene_value <= gmin: return pmin if gene_value >= gmax: return pmax return (gene_value - gmin) / (gmax - gmin) * (pmax - pmin) + pmin # Different property setters def set_motion_force(prop_value): """Set the motion force of the cell.""" cell.motion_force = prop_value match relationship: case "linear": transformer = linear_transformer case _: raise NotImplementedError() match property: case "motion_force": setter = set_motion_force case _: raise NotImplementedError() return PropertyUpdater(gene_getter, transformer, setter)
[docs] def create_direction_updater( cell: Cell, gene: Gene, ): """Create a direction updater that links a gene to the direction of a cell. Args: cell: The cell object. gene: The gene that is linked to the direction. """ def molecule_getter(diffsys: DiffusionSystem): """Get the molecule values from the diffusion system.""" return diffsys.get_coords_concentrations(gene, cell.COM(), cell.radius()) def weighted_direction(molecule_values): """Calculate the weighted direction of the cell based on the molecule values.""" coords, concs = molecule_values direction = np.average(coords, axis=0, weights=concs) return direction - cell.loc def set_direction(direction): """Set the direction of the cell.""" cell.move(direction) return PropertyUpdater(molecule_getter, weighted_direction, set_direction)
[docs] def create_motion_strength_updater( cell: Cell, gene: Gene, gscale=(0.5, 2), pscale=(0, 1), ): """Create a motion strength updater that links a gene to the motion strength of a cell. Args: cell: The cell object. gene: The gene that is linked to the motion strength. gscale: The scale of the gene values. pscale: The scale of the motion strength values. Returns: A PropertyUpdater object that can be used to update the motion strength. """ gmin, gmax = gscale pmin, pmax = pscale def gene_conc_getter(diffsys: DiffusionSystem): """Get the gene concentration from the cell's gene regulatory network.""" gene_conc = cell.grn.concs.get(gene) normalized_gene_conc = linear_transformer(gene_conc) return normalized_gene_conc def linear_transformer(gene_value): """Normalize the gene value to a value between gscale min and max.""" if gene_value <= gmin: return pmin if gene_value >= gmax: return pmax return (gene_value - gmin) / (gmax - gmin) * (pmax - pmin) + pmin def weighted_motion_strength(gene_conc): """Calculate the weighted motion strength of the cell based on the gene value.""" motion_strength = (gene_conc * cell.motion_force.init_strength) return motion_strength def set_motion_strength(motion_strength): """Set the motion strength of the cell.""" cell.celltype.motion_strength = motion_strength return PropertyUpdater(gene_conc_getter, weighted_motion_strength, set_motion_strength)
[docs] def store_settings(mod: bpy.types.bpy_struct) -> dict: """Store the settings of a Blender modifier in a dictionary. Args: mod: The Blender modifier. Returns: A dictionary with the stored settings. """ settings = {} for p in id = p.identifier if not p.is_readonly: settings[id] = getattr(mod, id) elif id in ["settings", "collision_settings", "effector_weights"]: settings[id] = store_settings(getattr(mod, id)) return settings
[docs] def declare_settings(mod: bpy.types.bpy_struct, settings: dict): """Recursively apply stored settings to a Blender modifier. Args: mod: The Blender modifier to which the settings are applied. settings: A dictionary containing the settings. """ for id, setting in settings.items(): if isinstance(setting, dict): declare_settings(getattr(mod, id), settings[id]) else: setattr(mod, id, setting)
[docs] class CellType: """A cell type. Cell types are represented in Blender by collection. Cells of the same cell type interact through homotypic adhesion forces, and interact with cells of different cell types through heterotypic adhesion forces. Cell types have default mesh creation settings (including color) and default physics settings (including cloth, collision, homotypic adhesion forces, and motion forces). Args: name: The name of the cell type. physics_enabled: Whether cells of this cell type are responsive to physics. Attributes: homo_adhesion_strength (int): Default homotypic adhesion strength between cells of this type. motion_strength (int): Default motion strength of cells of this type. """ _default_celltype = None def __init__( self, name, pattern="standard", target_volume=30, homo_adhesion_strength=2000, hetero_adhesion_strengths={}, motion_strength=0, **kwargs, ): = name self.cells = [] if type(pattern) is str: match pattern: case "standard": self.pattern = StandardPattern() case "simple": self.pattern = SimplePattern() case "yolk": self.pattern = YolkPattern() case _: # default to simple self.pattern = SimplePattern() else: self.pattern = pattern self.target_volume = target_volume self.kwargs = kwargs self.homo_adhesion_strength = homo_adhesion_strength self._homo_adhesion_collection = ForceCollection(name) self.motion_strength = motion_strength self.hetero_adhesion_strengths = {} self._hetero_adhesion_collections = {} for celltype, strength in hetero_adhesion_strengths.items(): self.set_hetero_adhesion_strength(celltype, strength)
[docs] @staticmethod def default_celltype() -> "CellType": """Get the default cell type.""" if CellType._default_celltype is None: CellType._default_celltype = CellType("default") return CellType._default_celltype
# TODO: perhaps create better way of dealing with setting hierarchy # (pattern > CellType initialization > create_cell) # Moving options that can be set later (i.e. color, growth_rate) solely into Cell
[docs] def create_cell( self, name, loc, color: tuple = None, physics_enabled: bool = True, physics_constructor: PhysicsConstructor = None, growth_enabled: bool = True, growth_type: GrowthType = GrowthType.LINEAR, growth_rate: float = 1, target_volume: float = None, genes_enabled: bool = True, circuits: list[Circuit] = None, metabolites: dict[str, float] = {}, obj: bpy.types.Object = None, **mesh_kwargs, ): mesh_kwargs.update(self.kwargs) # override with settings if obj: self.pattern.set_obj(name, obj) else: self.pattern.build_obj(name, loc, color=color, **mesh_kwargs) if physics_enabled: self.pattern.build_forces( self.homo_adhesion_strength, self._homo_adhesion_collection, self.motion_strength, self.hetero_adhesion_strengths, self._hetero_adhesion_collections, ) # Building physics after forces ensures that the cloth modifier # can properly see the target effector collection. if not obj: self.pattern.build_physics( physics_constructor=physics_constructor, ) if growth_enabled: self.pattern.build_growth_controller( growth_type=growth_type, growth_rate=growth_rate, target_volume=target_volume if target_volume else self.target_volume, ) if genes_enabled: self.pattern.build_network( circuits=circuits, metabolites=metabolites, ) cell = self.pattern.retrieve_cell() cell.celltype = self cell.remesh() self.cells.append(cell) return cell
[docs] def set_hetero_adhesion_strength(self, other_celltype: "CellType", strength: float): outgoing_collections = ForceCollection(f"{}_to_{}") incoming_collections = ForceCollection(f"{}_to_{}") self.hetero_adhesion_strengths[other_celltype] = strength self._hetero_adhesion_collections[other_celltype] = ( outgoing_collections, incoming_collections, ) other_celltype.hetero_adhesion_strengths[self] = strength other_celltype._hetero_adhesion_collections[self] = ( incoming_collections, outgoing_collections, )
[docs] class CellPattern: """Builders of different cell parts. The CellType class takes these patterns in order to create new cells.""" mesh_kwargs = {} color = None physics_constructor = None circuits = [] metabolites = {} initial_pressure = None def __init__(self): self.reset()
[docs] def reset(self): self._cell = Cell()
[docs] def retrieve_cell(self): """Retrieves constructed cell, links cell to the scene, and resets the director. """ # Link cell to scene cell = self._cell self.reset() return cell
@staticmethod def _override(base_option, user_option): if user_option is None: return base_option if isinstance(base_option, dict): return dict(base_option, **user_option) return user_option
[docs] def set_obj(self, name, obj): = name self._cell.obj = obj
[docs] def build_obj( self, name, loc, color=None, **mesh_kwargs, ): = name mesh_kwargs = self._override(self.__class__.mesh_kwargs, mesh_kwargs) color = self._override(self.__class__.color, color) # Create cell object obj = create_mesh(name, loc, mesh="icosphere", **mesh_kwargs) self._cell.obj = obj if color is not None: mat = create_material(f"{name}_material", color=color)
[docs] def build_physics( self, physics_constructor=None, ): # Add physics modifiers to cell object physics_constructor = self._override( self.__class__.physics_constructor, physics_constructor ) if physics_constructor is not None: physics_constructor(self._cell) self._cell.enable_physics()
[docs] def build_forces( self, homo_adhesion_strength: int, homo_adhesion_collection: ForceCollection, motion_strength: int, hetero_adhesion_strengths: dict[CellType, int], hetero_adhesion_collections: dict[CellType, tuple[ForceCollection]], ): homo_adhesion = create_adhesion(homo_adhesion_strength, obj=self._cell.obj) homo_adhesion_collection.add(homo_adhesion) self._cell.add_force(homo_adhesion) self._cell.add_effector(homo_adhesion_collection) # print(hetero_adhesion_strengths.keys(), hetero_adhesion_collections.keys()) for celltype in hetero_adhesion_strengths.keys(): strength = hetero_adhesion_strengths[celltype] incoming, outgoing = hetero_adhesion_collections[celltype] hetero_adhesion = create_adhesion( strength, name=f"{}_to_{}", loc=self._cell.loc, ) outgoing.add(hetero_adhesion) self._cell.add_force(hetero_adhesion) self._cell.add_effector(incoming) motion_force = create_motion( name=f"{}_motion", loc=self._cell.loc, strength=motion_strength, ) self._cell.add_force(motion_force)
[docs] def build_growth_controller( self, growth_type: GrowthType, growth_rate: float = 1, target_volume=30 ): controller = PIDController( self._cell.volume(), growth_type=growth_type, growth_rate=growth_rate, target_volume=target_volume, ) if self.__class__.initial_pressure is not None: controller.initial_pressure = self.__class__.initial_pressure controller.previous_pressure = self.__class__.initial_pressure self._cell.pressure = controller.initial_pressure self._cell.growth_controller = controller
[docs] def build_network(self, circuits=None, metabolites=None): circuits = self._override(self.__class__.circuits, circuits) metabolites = self._override(self.__class__.metabolites, metabolites) grn = GRN() grn.load_circuits(*circuits) self._cell.grn = grn self._cell.metabolites = metabolites
[docs] class StandardPattern(CellPattern): mesh_kwargs = {} physics_constructor = PhysicsConstructor( SubsurfConstructor, ClothConstructor, CollisionConstructor, RemeshConstructor, ) color = (0.007, 0.021, 0.3) initial_pressure = 12
[docs] class SimplePattern(CellPattern): """A cell type that is reduced in complexity for faster rendering.""" color = None physics_constructor = PhysicsConstructor( SimpleClothConstructor, CollisionConstructor, ) color = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
[docs] class YolkPattern(CellPattern): """A larger cell type used for modeling embryonic yolks.""" mesh_kwargs = { "size": 10, "subdivisions": 4, } physics_constructor = PhysicsConstructor( YolkClothConstructor, CollisionConstructor, ) color = (0.64, 0.64, 0.64)