from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing_extensions import override
import antimony
import roadrunner
from mathutils import Vector
from .molecule import DiffusionSystem
class Gene:
"""Gene class to represent a gene in the gene regulatory network.
name: Name of the gene.
def __init__(self, name: str): = name
def __str__(self):
def __hash__(self):
return hash(
def __eq__(self, other):
return hash(self) == hash(other)
class DegFirstOrder(Circuit):
x: Gene
k: float
"""d[x]/dt = -k[x]"""
class ProdAnd(Circuit):
"""d[z]/dt = k([x] AND [y]), optional substrate s consumed,
and optional leaky factor a0."""
z: Gene
x: Gene
y: Gene
k: float
nx: float = 2
ny: float = 2
s: Gene = None
a0: float = 0
class ProdActivation(Circuit):
"""d[y]/dt = kcat * [x]**n / (Km + [x]**n), optional substrate s consumed,
and optional leaky factor a0."""
y: Gene
x: Gene
kcat: float
Km: float = 1
n: float = 2
s: Gene = None
a0: float = 0
class ProdRepression(Circuit):
"""d[y]/dt = kcat / (Km + [x]**n), optional substrate s consumed,
and optional leaky factor a0."""
y: Gene
x: Gene
kcat: float
Km: float = 1
n: float = 2
s: Gene = None
a0: float = 0
class CircuitEngine:
def __init__(self):
def copy(self) -> "CircuitEngine":
"""Return copy of engine."""
def load_circuits(self, *circuits: Circuit):
"""Load engine with model network."""
def step(self, metabolite_concs: dict, dt: float):
"""Take 1 frame step of time dt to calculate new metabolite concentrations."""
def retrieve_concs(self) -> dict[Gene, float]:
"""Get current metabolite concentrations."""
class RoadRunnerEngine(CircuitEngine):
"""Engine to simulate gene regulatory networks using RoadRunner.
model: Model of the gene regulatory network.
result: Result of the simulation.
def __init__(self):
self.model = None
self.result = None
def copy(self):
engine = RoadRunnerEngine()
engine.model = self.model
return engine
def load_circuits(self, *circuits: Circuit):
"""Load engine with model network."""
encodings = []
for circuit in circuits:
self.model = "\n".join(encodings)
def _encode(circuit: Circuit) -> str:
"""Encodes a single circuit into a string representation."""
match circuit:
case DegFirstOrder(x, k):
return f"{x} -> ; {k} * {x}"
case ProdAnd(z, x, y, k, nx, ny, s, a0):
s = "" if s is None else s
return f"{s} -> {z}; {a0} + {k} * {x}^{nx} * {y}^{ny} / (1 + {x}^{nx}) / (1 + {y}^{ny})"
case ProdActivation(y, x, kcat, Km, n, s, a0):
s = "" if s is None else s
return f"{s} -> {y}; {a0} + {kcat} * {x}^{n} / ({Km} + {x}^{n})"
case ProdRepression(y, x, kcat, Km, n, s, a0):
s = "" if s is None else s
return f"{s} -> {y}; {a0} + {kcat} / ({Km} + {x}^{n})"
def load_sbml(self, sbml):
def step(
metabolite_concs: dict[Gene, float],
iter: int = 5,
dt: float = 1
) -> None:
"""Calculates new gene concentrations."""
if self.model is None:
model_full = self._get_model_full(metabolite_concs)
# Replacement of Tellurium with lower-level functions
code = antimony.loadAntimonyString(model_full)
mid = antimony.getMainModuleName()
rr = roadrunner.RoadRunner(antimony.getSBMLString(mid))
result = rr.simulate(0, dt, iter)
self.result = result
def _get_model_full(self, metabolite_concs: dict[Gene, float]) -> str:
"""Encodes the entire model, including metabolites,
into a string representation to be fed into the Roadrunner solver."""
prefix = "model cell"
suffix = "end"
gene_levels = "\n".join(
f"{metabolite} = {level}"
for metabolite, level in metabolite_concs.items()
return "\n".join([prefix, self.model, gene_levels, suffix])
def retrieve_concs(self):
"""Get current gene concentrations."""
if self.result is None:
return {}
colnames = map(lambda name: Gene(name[1:-1]), self.result.colnames[1:])
new_concs = dict(zip(colnames, self.result[-1][1:]))
return new_concs
class GeneRegulatoryNetwork:
"""Gene regulatory network to simulate gene expression.
concs: Initial concentrations of genes.
circuit_engine: Engine to simulate gene regulatory networks
def __init__(
concs: dict = {},
circuit_engine: CircuitEngine = None,
self.concs = concs
self._circuit_engine = circuit_engine if circuit_engine else RoadRunnerEngine()
def copy(self) -> "GeneRegulatoryNetwork":
grn = GeneRegulatoryNetwork(
return grn
def load_circuits(self, *circuits: Circuit):
"""Load engine with model network."""
def update_concs(
diffusion_system: DiffusionSystem = None,
center: Vector = None,
radius: float = None,
"""Update network concentrations based on underlying diffusion systems,
cell center and radius."""
if diffusion_system is not None:
if center is None or radius is None:
raise ValueError(
"If there is a diffusion system, center or radius \
must be supplied as arguments."
self.update_signaling_concs(diffusion_system, center, radius)
def update_signaling_concs(
diffusion_system: DiffusionSystem,
center: Vector,
radius: float
"""Update network concentrations based on the underlying diffusion system."""
signaling_concs = diffusion_system.get_ball_concentrations(center, radius)