Source code for goo.growth

from enum import Enum
from copy import copy

"""Possible types of growth."""
GrowthType = Enum("Growth", ["LINEAR", "EXPONENTIAL", "LOGISTIC"])

[docs] class GrowthController: def __init__(self, current_volume, growth_type, growth_rate): pass
[docs] def set_pressure(self, pressure): """Set new pressure.""" pass
[docs] def step_growth(self, current_volume, dt): """Step through the growth controller to calculate normal growth. Returns new pressure. """ pass
[docs] def step_divided(self, current_volume, dt): """Step through the growth controller after division.""" pass
[docs] class PIDController(GrowthController): """Class to control growth by a PID controller, in which changes to a cell's internal pressure governs how much it grows in the next frame. Attributes: growth_type (Growth): Type of growth exhibited by cells. growth_rate (float): Rate of growth of cells. initial_pressure (float): Initial pressure of cells. target_volume (float): Target volume of cells. Kp (float): P variable of the PID controller. Ki (float): I variable of the PID controller. Kd (float): D variable of the PID controller. """ def __init__( self, current_volume, growth_type=GrowthType.LINEAR, growth_rate=1, initial_pressure=0.01, target_volume=30, Kp=0.05, Ki=0.00001, Kd=0.5, ): self.growth_type = growth_type self.growth_rate = growth_rate # in cubic microns per frame self.Kp = Kp self.Ki = Ki self.Kd = Kd self.PID_scale = 15 self.initial_pressure = initial_pressure self.target_volume = target_volume self.integral = 0 self.previous_error = 0 self.previous_pressure = self.initial_pressure self.next_volume = current_volume
[docs] def copy(self): return copy(self)
[docs] def set_pressure(self, pressure): self.previous_pressure = pressure
[docs] def step_growth(self, current_volume, dt): """Step through the growth controller to calculate normal growth. Args: current_volume (float): Current volume of the cell. dt (float): Time step. Returns: float: The pressure at the next time step. """ match self.growth_type: case GrowthType.LINEAR: self.next_volume += self.growth_rate * dt case GrowthType.EXPONENTIAL: self.next_volume *= 1 + self.growth_rate * dt case GrowthType.LOGISTIC: self.next_volume = self.next_volume * ( 1 + self.growth_rate * (1 - self.next_volume / self.target_volume) * dt ) case _: raise ValueError( "Growth type must be one of LINEAR, EXPONENTIAL, or LOGISTIC." ) self.next_volume = min(self.next_volume, self.target_volume) volume_deviation = 1 - current_volume / self.next_volume # Update pressure based on PID output error = volume_deviation integral = self.integral + error derivative = error - self.previous_error pid = self.Kp * error + self.Ki * integral + self.Kd * derivative next_pressure = self.previous_pressure + pid * self.PID_scale # Update previous error and pressure for the next iteration self.previous_error = error self.integral = integral self.previous_pressure = next_pressure return next_pressure
[docs] def step_divided(self, new_volume): # self.previous_pressure = self.initial_pressure self.next_volume = new_volume