Source code for goo.handler

from typing import Callable, Union
from typing_extensions import override, Optional
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from enum import Enum, Flag, auto
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
import h5py

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, pdist, squareform
from scipy.ndimage import laplace

import bpy
import bmesh
from mathutils import Vector
from goo.cell import Cell
from goo.gene import Gene
from goo.molecule import Molecule, DiffusionSystem

[docs] class Handler(ABC):
[docs] def setup( self, get_cells: Callable[[], list[Cell]], get_diffsystem: Callable[[], DiffusionSystem], dt: float, ) -> None: """Set up the handler. Args: get_cells: A function that, when called, retrieves the list of cells that may divide. dt: The time step for the simulation. """ self.get_cells = get_cells self.get_diffsystem = get_diffsystem self.dt = dt
[docs] @abstractmethod def run(self, scene: bpy.types.Scene, depsgraph: bpy.types.Depsgraph) -> None: """Run the handler. This is the function that gets passed to Blender, to be called upon specified events (e.g. post-frame change). Args: scene: The Blender scene. depsgraph: The dependency graph. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement run() method.")
[docs] class StopHandler(Handler): """Handler for stopping the simulation at the end of the simulation time."""
[docs] def run(self, scene, depsgraph): # Check if the current frame is the last frame if scene.frame_current >= bpy.context.scene.frame_end: print(f"Simulation has reached the last frame: {scene.frame_current}. \ Stopping.") # bpy.ops.screen.animation_cancel(restore_frame=True) for cell in self.get_cells(): # freeze tissue at end of simulation cell.disable_physics() cell.remesh() else: frame_str = f"Calculating frame {scene.frame_current}" total_length = len(frame_str) + 8 border_line = "=" * total_length print(border_line) print(f"=== {frame_str} ===") print(border_line)
[docs] class RemeshHandler(Handler): """Handler for remeshing cells at given frequencies. Attributes: freq (int): Number of frames between remeshes. smooth_factor (float): Factor to pass to `bmesh.ops.smooth_vert`. Disabled if set to 0. voxel_size (float): Factor to pass to `voxel_remesh()`. Disabled if set to 0. sphere_factor (float): Factor to pass to Cast to sphere modifier. Disabled if set to 0. """ def __init__(self, freq=1, voxel_size=None, smooth_factor=0.1, sphere_factor=0): self.freq = freq self.voxel_size = voxel_size self.smooth_factor = smooth_factor self.sphere_factor = sphere_factor
[docs] def run(self, scene, depsgraph): if scene.frame_current % self.freq != 0: return for cell in self.get_cells(): if not cell.physics_enabled: continue # Update mesh and disable physics bm = bm.from_mesh(cell.obj_eval.to_mesh()) cell.disable_physics() if self.smooth_factor: bmesh.ops.smooth_vert( bm, verts=bm.verts, factor=self.smooth_factor, ) bm.to_mesh( cell.recenter() if self.voxel_size is not None: cell.remesh(self.voxel_size) cell.recenter() else: cell.remesh() cell.recenter() # Recenter and re-enable physics cell.enable_physics() cell.cloth_mod.point_cache.frame_start = scene.frame_current
[docs] class DiffusionHandler(Handler): """Handler for simulating diffusion of a substance in the grid in the scene. Args: diffusionSystem: The reaction-diffusion system to simulate. """
[docs] @override def setup( self, get_cells: Callable[[], list[Cell]], get_diffsystems: Callable[[], list[DiffusionSystem]], dt, ): """Build the KD-Tree from the grid coordinates if not already built.""" super(DiffusionHandler, self).setup(get_cells, get_diffsystems, dt) self.get_diffsystem().build_kdtree()
[docs] def run(self, scene, depsgraph) -> None: self.get_diffsystem().simulate_diffusion()
[docs] class NetworkHandler(Handler): """Handler for gene regulatory networks."""
[docs] def run(self, scene, despgraph): for cell in self.get_cells(): cell.step_grn(self.get_diffsystem())
[docs] class RecenterHandler(Handler): """Handler for updating cell origin and location of cell-associated adhesion locations every frame."""
[docs] def run(self, scene, depsgraph): cells = self.get_cells() cell_number = len(cells) total_volume = np.sum([cell.volume() for cell in cells]) average_volume = np.mean([cell.volume() for cell in cells]) valid_pressures = [ cell.pressure for cell in cells if hasattr(cell, 'cloth_mod') and cell.cloth_mod and hasattr(cell.cloth_mod, 'settings') and hasattr(cell.cloth_mod.settings, 'uniform_pressure_force') ] average_pressure = np.mean(valid_pressures) if valid_pressures else 0 _, sphericities, _, _ = _shape_features(cells) average_sphericity = np.mean(sphericities)["Cell#"] = cell_number["Avg Volume"] = average_volume["Avg Pressure"] = average_pressure["Avg Sphericity"] = average_sphericity["Total Volume"] = total_volume for cell in self.get_cells(): cell.recenter() cell_size = cell.major_axis().length() / 2 for force in cell.adhesion_forces: if not force.enabled(): continue force.min_dist = cell_size - 0.4 force.max_dist = cell_size + 0.4 if cell.motion_force: cell.move() cell.cloth_mod.point_cache.frame_end = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
[docs] class GrowthPIDHandler(Handler):
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph): for cell in self.get_cells(): cell.step_growth()
"""Possible distributions of random motion.""" ForceDist = Enum("ForceDist", ["CONSTANT", "UNIFORM", "GAUSSIAN"])
[docs] class RandomMotionHandler(Handler): """Handler for simulating random cell motion. At every frame, the direction of motion is is randomly selected from a specified distribution, and the strength is set by the user. Attributes: distribution (ForceDist): Distribution of random location of motion force. strength (int): Strength of the motion force. persistence (tuple[float, float, float]): Persistent direction of motion force. """ def __init__( self, distribution: ForceDist = ForceDist.UNIFORM, strength: int = 0, persistence: tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 0) ): self.distribution = distribution self.strength = strength self.persistence = persistence
[docs] def run(self, scene, depsgraph): for cell in self.get_cells(): if not cell.physics_enabled: continue if not cell.motion_force.enabled: cell.motion_force.enable() dir = cell.loc match self.distribution: case ForceDist.CONSTANT: # persistent motion in a single direction dir = self.persistence case ForceDist.UNIFORM: # sampled from continuous uniform distribution bounded [0, 1] dir = Vector(self.persistence) \ + Vector(np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(3,))) case ForceDist.GAUSSIAN: dir = Vector(self.persistence) \ + Vector(np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1, size=(3,))) case _: raise ValueError( "Motion noise distribution must be one of UNIFORM or GAUSSIAN." ) if cell.celltype.motion_strength: cell.motion_force.strength = cell.celltype.motion_strength else: cell.motion_force.strength = self.strength # move motion force cell.move(dir) cell.cloth_mod.point_cache.frame_end = bpy.context.scene.frame_end
"""Possible properties by which cells are colored.""" Colorizer = Enum("Colorizer", ["PRESSURE", "VOLUME", "RANDOM", "GENE"])
[docs] class ColorizeHandler(Handler): """Handler for coloring cells based off of a specified property. Cells are colored on a blue-red spectrum, based on the relative value of the specified property to all other cells. For example, the cell with the highest pressure is colored red, while the cell with an average pressure is colored purple. Attributes: colorizer (Colorizer): the property by which cells are colored. gene (str): optional, the gene off of which cell color is based. """ def __init__( self, colorizer: Colorizer = Colorizer.PRESSURE, gene: Union[Gene, str] = None, range: Optional[tuple] = None, ): self.colorizer = colorizer self.gene = gene self.range = range def _scale(self, values): if self.range is None: # Scaled based on min and max return (values - np.min(values)) / np.max(np.max(values) - np.min(values), 1) if self.range is not None: # Truncate numbers into specific range, then scale based on max of range. min, max = self.range values = np.minimum(values, max) values = np.maximum(values, min) return (values - min) / (max - min)
[docs] def run(self, scene, depsgraph): match self.colorizer: case Colorizer.PRESSURE: ps = np.array([cell.pressure for cell in self.get_cells()]) values = self._scale(ps) case Colorizer.VOLUME: vs = np.array([cell.volume() for cell in self.get_cells()]) values = self._scale(vs) case Colorizer.GENE: gs = np.array( [cell.metabolites[self.gene] for cell in self.get_cells()] ) values = self._scale(gs) case Colorizer.RANDOM: values = np.random.rand(len(self.get_cells())) case _: raise ValueError( "Colorizer must be one of PRESSURE, VOLUME, GENE, or RANDOM." ) red = Vector((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) blue = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) for cell, p in zip(self.get_cells(), values): color = blue.lerp(red, p) cell.recolor(tuple(color))
def _get_divisions(cells: list[Cell]) -> list[tuple[str, str, str]]: """Calculate a list of cells that have divided in the past frame. Each element of the list contains a tuple of three names: that of the mother cell, and then the two daughter cells. Args: cells: List of cells to check for divisions. Returns: List of tuples of mother and daughter cell names. """ divisions = set() for cell in cells: if "divided" in cell and cell["divided"]: divisions.add( ([:-2],[:-2] + ".0",[:-2] + ".1") ) return list(divisions) @staticmethod def _contact_area( cell1: Cell, cell2: Cell, threshold=0.1 ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Calculate the contact areas between two cells. Contact is defined as two faces that are within a set threshold distance from each other. Args: cell1: First cell to calculate contact. cell2: Second cell to calculate contact. threshold: Maximum distance between two faces of either cell to consider as contact. Returns: A tuple containing for elements: - Total area of cell1 in contact with cell2 - Total area of cell2 in contact with cell1 - Ratio of area of cell1 in contact with cell2 - Ratio of area of cell2 in contact with cell1 """ faces1 = faces2 = centers1 = [cell1.obj_eval.matrix_world @ for f in faces1] centers2 = [cell2.obj_eval.matrix_world @ for f in faces2] dists = np.array(cdist(centers1, centers2, "euclidean")) contact_faces1 = np.any(dists < threshold, axis=1) contact_faces2 = np.any(dists < threshold, axis=0) areas1 = np.array([f.area for f in faces1]) areas2 = np.array([f.area for f in faces2]) contact_areas1 = np.sum(areas1[contact_faces1]) contact_areas2 = np.sum(areas2[contact_faces2]) ratio1 = contact_areas1 / np.sum(areas1) ratio2 = contact_areas2 / np.sum(areas2) return contact_areas1, contact_areas2, ratio1, ratio2 @staticmethod def _contact_areas(cells: list[Cell], threshold=4) -> tuple[dict, dict]: """Calculate the pairwise contact areas between a list of cells. Contact is calculated heuristically by first screening cells that are within a certain threshold distance between each other. Args: cells: The list of cells to calculate contact areas over. threshold: The maximum distance between cells to consider them for contact. Returns: A list of tuples containing pairwise contact areas and contact ratios. See :func:`_contact_area`. """ coms = [cell.COM() for cell in cells] dists = squareform(pdist(coms, "euclidean")) mask = dists < threshold mask = np.triu(mask, k=1) pairs = np.where(mask) areas = { [] for cell in cells} ratios = { [] for cell in cells} for i, j in zip(pairs[0], pairs[1]): contact_area_i, contact_area_j, ratio_i, ratio_j = _contact_area( cells[i], cells[j] ) areas[cells[i].name].append((cells[j].name, contact_area_i)) areas[cells[j].name].append((cells[i].name, contact_area_j)) ratios[cells[i].name].append((cells[j].name, ratio_i)) ratios[cells[j].name].append((cells[i].name, ratio_j)) return areas, ratios @staticmethod def _shape_features(cells: list[Cell]) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Calculate a set of shape features of a cell. Inlcudes the aspect ratio, sphericity Args: cell: A cell. Returns: Shape features (aspect ratio, sphericity, compactness, sav_ratio). """ aspect_ratios = [] sphericities = [] compactnesses = [] sav_ratios = [] for cell in cells: aspect_ratio = cell.aspect_ratio() sphericity = cell.sphericity() compactness = cell.compactness() sav_ratio = cell.sav_ratio() aspect_ratios.append(aspect_ratio) sphericities.append(sphericity) compactnesses.append(compactness) sav_ratios.append(sav_ratio) return (aspect_ratios, sphericities, compactnesses, sav_ratios) class _all: def __get__(self, instance, cls): return ~cls(0)
[docs] class DataFlag(Flag): """Enum of data flags used by the :func:`DataExporter` handler. Attributes: TIMES: time elapsed since beginning of simulation. DIVISIONS: list of cells that have divided and their daughter cells. MOTION_PATH: list of the current position of each cell. FORCE_PATH: list of the current positions of the associated motion force of each cell. VOLUMES: list of the current volumes of each cell. PRESSURES: list of the current pressures of each cell. CONTACT_AREAS: list of contact areas between each pair of cells. CONCENTRATIONS: concentrations of each molecule in the grid system. """ TIMES = auto() DIVISIONS = auto() MOTION_PATH = auto() FORCE_PATH = auto() VOLUMES = auto() PRESSURES = auto() CONTACT_AREAS = auto() SHAPE_FEATURES = auto() GRID = auto() CELL_CONCENTRATIONS = auto() ALL = _all()
[docs] class DataExporter(Handler): """Handler for the reporting and saving of data generated during the simulation.""" def __init__(self, path="", options: DataFlag = DataFlag.ALL): self.path = path self.options = options self.h5file = None
[docs] @override def setup( self, get_cells: Callable[[], list[Cell]], get_diffsystems: Callable[[], list[DiffusionSystem]], dt ) -> None: super(DataExporter, self).setup(get_cells, get_diffsystems, dt) self.time_start = if self.path: if os.path.exists(self.path): try: os.remove(self.path) except Exception as e: print(f"Could not remove existing file: {e}") raise self.h5file = h5py.File(self.path, 'w') self.h5file.attrs['seed'] = bpy.context.scene["seed"] self.frames_group = self.h5file.create_group('frames') else: print({"seed": bpy.context.scene["seed"], "frames": []})
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph) -> None: frame_number = scene.frame_current frame_group_name = f'frame_{frame_number:03d}' if self.path: # Check if the group already exists if frame_group_name in self.frames_group: print(f"Group {frame_group_name} already exists. Delelting, recreating") del self.frames_group[frame_group_name] # Remove the existing group frame_group = self.frames_group.create_group(frame_group_name) frame_group.attrs['frame_number'] = frame_number else: frame_out = {"frame": frame_number} if self.options & DataFlag.TIMES: time_elapsed = ( - self.time_start).total_seconds() if self.path: frame_group.attrs['time'] = time_elapsed else: frame_out["time"] = time_elapsed if self.options & DataFlag.DIVISIONS: divisions = _get_divisions(self.get_cells()) if self.path: frame_group.create_dataset('divisions', data=divisions) else: frame_out["divisions"] = divisions # Collect cell data cells = self.get_cells() if self.path: cells_group = frame_group.create_group('cells') else: frame_out["cells"] = [] for cell in cells: cell_name = if self.path: cell_group = cells_group.create_group(cell_name) else: cell_out = {"name": cell_name} if self.options & DataFlag.MOTION_PATH: loc = np.array(cell.loc, dtype=np.float64) # Ensure loc is a NumPy array if self.path: cell_group.create_dataset('loc', data=loc) else: cell_out["loc"] = loc.tolist() if self.options & DataFlag.FORCE_PATH: motion_loc = np.array(cell.motion_force.loc, dtype=np.float64) if self.path: cell_group.create_dataset('motion_loc', data=motion_loc) else: cell_out["motion_loc"] = motion_loc.tolist() if self.options & DataFlag.VOLUMES: volume = float(cell.volume()) # Convert volume to a float if self.path: cell_group.attrs['volume'] = volume else: cell_out["volume"] = volume if self.options & DataFlag.PRESSURES and cell.physics_enabled: pressure = float(cell.pressure) # Ensure pressure is a float if self.path: cell_group.attrs['pressure'] = pressure else: cell_out["pressure"] = pressure if self.options & DataFlag.CELL_CONCENTRATIONS: try: if isinstance(cell.molecules_conc, dict): # Convert dictionary values to an array concentrations = np.array(list(cell.molecules_conc.values()), dtype=np.float64 ) else: concentrations = np.array(cell.molecules_conc, dtype=np.float64) if self.path: cell_group.create_dataset('concentrations', data=concentrations) else: cell_out["concentrations"] = concentrations.tolist() except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving concentrations for cell {cell_name}: {e}") if not self.path: frame_out["cells"].append(cell_out) if self.options & DataFlag.SHAPE_FEATURES: aspect_ratios, sphericities, \ compactnesses, sav_ratios = _shape_features(cells) if self.path: frame_group.create_dataset( 'aspect_ratios', data=np.array(aspect_ratios, dtype=np.float64) ) frame_group.create_dataset( 'sphericities', data=np.array(sphericities, dtype=np.float64) ) frame_group.create_dataset( 'compactnesses', data=np.array(compactnesses, dtype=np.float64) ) frame_group.create_dataset( 'sav_ratios', data=np.array(sav_ratios, dtype=np.float64) ) else: frame_out["aspect_ratios"] = aspect_ratios.tolist() frame_out["sphericities"] = sphericities.tolist() frame_out["compactnesses"] = compactnesses.tolist() frame_out["sav_ratios"] = sav_ratios.tolist() # Handle contact areas if self.options & DataFlag.CONTACT_AREAS: try: areas, ratios = _contact_areas(cells) # If areas or ratios are dictionaries, extract numerical values if isinstance(areas, dict): areas = np.array(list(areas.values()), dtype=np.float64) else: areas = np.array(areas, dtype=np.float64) if isinstance(ratios, dict): ratios = np.array(list(ratios.values()), dtype=np.float64) else: ratios = np.array(ratios, dtype=np.float64) if self.path: frame_group.create_dataset('contact_areas', data=areas) frame_group.create_dataset('contact_ratios', data=ratios) else: frame_out["contact_areas"] = areas.tolist() frame_out["contact_ratios"] = ratios.tolist() except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving contact areas for frame {frame_number}: {e}") # Handle GRID data if self.options & DataFlag.GRID: for diff_system in self.get_diff_systems(): try: # Ensure grid concentrations are converted to NumPy arrays grid_conc = np.array(diff_system._grid_concentrations, dtype=np.float64 ) for mol in diff_system._molecules: mol_name = mol._name if self.path: mol_group = frame_group.require_group(mol_name) mol_group.create_dataset('concentrations', data=grid_conc) else: if mol_name not in frame_out: frame_out[mol_name] = {"concentrations": grid_conc.tolist()} except Exception as e: print(f"Error saving grid concentrations: {e}") if not self.path: print(frame_out)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the HDF5 file.""" if self.h5file: print("Closing HDF5 file.") self.h5file.close() self.h5file = None
def __del__(self): """Ensure HDF5 file is closed when object is deleted.""" self.close()