Source code for goo.handler

from typing import Callable, Any, List
from typing_extensions import override

from enum import Enum, Flag, auto
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist, pdist, squareform
from scipy.ndimage import laplace

import bpy
import bmesh
from mathutils import Vector
from goo.cell import Cell
from goo.molecule import DiffusionSystem

[docs] class Handler:
[docs] def setup( self, get_cells: Callable[[], list[Cell]], get_diffsystems: Callable[[], list[DiffusionSystem]], dt: float ): """Set up the handler. Args: get_cells: A function that, when called, retrieves the list of cells that may divide. dt: The time step for the simulation. """ self.get_cells = get_cells self.get_diff_systems = get_diffsystems self.dt = dt
[docs] def run(self, scene: bpy.types.Scene, depsgraph: bpy.types.Depsgraph): """Run the handler. This is the function that gets passed to Blender, to be called upon specified events (e.g. post-frame change). Args: scene: The Blender scene. depsgraph: The dependency graph. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement run() method.")
[docs] class RemeshHandler(Handler): """Handler for remeshing cells at given frequencies. Attributes: freq (int): Number of frames between remeshes. smooth_factor (float): Factor to pass to `bmesh.ops.smooth_vert`. Disabled if set to 0. voxel_size (float): Factor to pass to `voxel_remesh()`. Disabled if set to 0. sphere_factor (float): Factor to pass to Cast to sphere modifier. Disabled if set to 0. """ def __init__(self, freq=1, voxel_size=None, smooth_factor=0.1, sphere_factor=0): self.freq = freq self.voxel_size = voxel_size self.smooth_factor = smooth_factor self.sphere_factor = sphere_factor
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph): if scene.frame_current % self.freq != 0: return for cell in self.get_cells(): if not cell.physics_enabled: continue # Update mesh and disable physics bm = bm.from_mesh(cell.obj_eval.to_mesh()) cell.disable_physics() if self.smooth_factor: bmesh.ops.smooth_vert( bm, verts=bm.verts, factor=self.smooth_factor, ) bm.to_mesh( cell.recenter() if self.voxel_size is not None: cell.remesh(self.voxel_size) cell.recenter() else: cell.remesh() cell.recenter() # Recenter and re-enable physics cell.enable_physics() cell.cloth_mod.point_cache.frame_start = scene.frame_current
[docs] class DiffusionHandler(Handler): """Handler for simulating diffusion of a substance in the grid in the scene. Args: diffusionSystem: The reaction-diffusion system to simulate. """ def __init__(self, diffusionSystem: DiffusionSystem) -> None: self.diffusionSystem = diffusionSystem self.kd_tree = None
[docs] def build_kd_tree(self): """Build the KD-Tree from the grid coordinates if not already built.""" self.kd_tree = self.diffusionSystem._build_kdtree()
[docs] def read_molecular_signal( self, cell: Cell, cell_distances: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray, radius: float ) -> None: """Read the concentration of molecules in the cell.""" for mol_idx, molecule in enumerate(self.diffusionSystem.molecules): valid_indices = ~np.isinf(cell_distances) & (cell_distances >= radius) print(f"Valid indices: {valid_indices}") if valid_indices.any(): index = indices[valid_indices][0] total_conc = self.diffusionSystem.get_concentration(mol_idx, index) print(f"Conc of cell {} for {molecule._name}: {total_conc}") cell.molecules_conc.update({molecule._name: total_conc}) print(f"Molecular concentrations: {cell.molecules_conc}")
[docs] def update_molecular_signal( self, cell: Cell, cell_distances: np.ndarray, indices: np.ndarray, radius: float ) -> None: """Update the concentration of molecules in the cell.""" k = 0.1 for mol_idx, molecule in enumerate(self.diffusionSystem._molecules): valid_indices = ~np.isinf(cell_distances) & (cell_distances >= radius) valid_distances = cell_distances[valid_indices] valid_indices = indices[valid_indices] for cell_distance, index in zip(valid_distances, valid_indices): add_conc = k * (cell_distance / radius) self.diffusionSystem.update_concentration(mol_idx, index, add_conc)
[docs] def diffuse(self, mol_idx: int): """Update the concentration of molecules based on diffusion.""" conc = self.diffusionSystem._grid_concentrations[mol_idx] laplacian = laplace(conc, mode='wrap') diff_coeff = self.diffusionSystem._molecules[mol_idx]._D conc += self.diffusionSystem._time_step * diff_coeff * laplacian conc = np.clip(conc, 0, None) self.diffusionSystem._grid_concentrations[mol_idx] = conc
[docs] def simulate_diffusion(self): """Run the diffusion simulation over the total time.""" tot_time = self.diffusionSystem._total_time t_step = self.diffusionSystem._time_step num_steps = int(tot_time / t_step) for _ in range(num_steps): for mol_idx in range(len(self.diffusionSystem._molecules)): self.diffuse(mol_idx)
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph) -> None: if self.kd_tree is None: self.build_kd_tree() print("Current frame", scene.frame_current) # diffuse molecules on grid # self.simulate_diffusion() cells = self.get_cells() for cell in cells: radius = cell.get_radius() com = cell.COM() scaling_factor = 1 / self.diffusionSystem._element_size[0] cell_distances, indices = self.kd_tree.query(com, k=1000 * scaling_factor**2, distance_upper_bound=1.25*radius, p=2) if len(cell_distances) > 0 and not np.all(np.isinf(cell_distances)): # self.update_molecular_signal(cell, cell_distances, indices, radius) self.read_molecular_signal(cell, cell_distances, indices, radius) else: # If no valid distances, set concentration to 0 for molecule in self.diffusionSystem._molecules: cell.molecules_conc.update({molecule._name: 0}) print(cell.molecules_conc) print(f"Total conc of cell {} for {molecule._name}: 0")
[docs] class AdhesionLocationHandler(Handler): """Handler for updating cell-associated adhesion locations every frame."""
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph): for cell in self.get_cells(): cell_size = cell.major_axis().length() / 2 for force in cell.adhesion_forces: if not force.enabled(): continue force.loc = cell.COM() force.min_dist = cell_size - 0.4 force.max_dist = cell_size + 0.4
"""Possible types of growth.""" Growth = Enum("Growth", ["LINEAR", "EXPONENTIAL", "LOGISTIC"])
[docs] class GrowthPIDHandler(Handler): """Handler for simulating cell growth based off of internal pressure. Growth is determined by a PID controller, in which changes to a cell's internal pressure governs how much it grows in the next frame. Attributes: growth_type (Growth): Type of growth exhibited by cells. growth_rate (float): Rate of growth of cells. initial_pressure (float): Initial pressure of cells. target_volume (float): Target volume of cells. Kp (float): P variable of the PID controller. Ki (float): I variable of the PID controller. Kd (float): D variable of the PID controller. """ def __init__( self, growth_type: Growth = Growth.LINEAR, growth_rate: float = 1, initial_pressure=0.01, target_volume=30, Kp=0.05, Ki=0.00001, Kd=0.5, ): self.growth_type = growth_type self.growth_rate = growth_rate # in cubic microns per frame self.Kp = Kp self.Ki = Ki self.Kd = Kd self.PID_scale = 60 self.initial_pressure = initial_pressure self.target_volume = target_volume
[docs] @override def setup(self, get_cells: Callable[[], list[Cell]], get_diffsystems: Callable[[], list[DiffusionSystem]], dt): super(GrowthPIDHandler, self).setup(get_cells, get_diffsystems, dt) for cell in self.get_cells(): self.initialize_PID(cell)
[docs] def initialize_PID(self, cell: Cell): """Initialize PID controller for a cell. Args: cell: Cell to initialize PID controller. """ cell["Kp"] = self.Kp cell["Ki"] = self.Ki cell["Kd"] = self.Kd cell["PID_scale"] = self.PID_scale cell["growth_rate"] = self.growth_rate cell["integral"] = 0 cell["previous_error"] = 0 cell["previous_pressure"] = self.initial_pressure cell["next_volume"] = cell.volume() cell["target_volume"] = self.target_volume
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph): for cell in self.get_cells(): if "target_volume" not in cell: self.initialize_PID(cell) if "divided" in cell and cell["divided"]: # if divided, reset certain values cell["previous_pressure"] = self.initial_pressure cell["next_volume"] = cell.volume() if not cell.physics_enabled: continue cell["volume"] = cell.volume() match self.growth_type: case Growth.LINEAR: cell["next_volume"] += cell["growth_rate"] * self.dt case Growth.EXPONENTIAL: cell["next_volume"] *= 1 + cell["growth_rate"] * self.dt case Growth.LOGISTIC: cell["next_volume"] = cell["next_volume"] * ( 1 + cell["growth_rate"] * (1 - cell["next_volume"] / cell["target_volume"]) * self.dt ) case _: raise ValueError( "Growth type must be one of LINEAR, EXPONENTIAL, or LOGISTIC." ) cell["next_volume"] = min(cell["next_volume"], cell["target_volume"]) volume_deviation = 1 - cell["volume"] / cell["next_volume"] # Update pressure based on PID output error = volume_deviation integral = cell["integral"] + error derivative = error - cell["previous_error"] pid = cell["Kp"] * error + cell["Ki"] * integral + cell["Kd"] * derivative cell.pressure = cell["previous_pressure"] + pid * cell["PID_scale"] # Update previous error and pressure for the next iteration cell["previous_error"] = error cell["integral"] = integral cell["previous_pressure"] = cell.pressure
"""Possible distributions of random motion.""" ForceDist = Enum("ForceDist", ["CONSTANT", "UNIFORM", "GAUSSIAN"])
[docs] class RandomMotionHandler(Handler): """Handler for simulating random cell motion. At every frame, the direction of motion is randomized, and the strength of the motion force is randomly selected from a specified distribution. Attributes: distribution (ForceDist): Distribution of random strength of motion force. max_strength (int): Maximum strength motion force. """ def __init__( self, distribution: ForceDist = ForceDist.UNIFORM, max_strength: int = 0, ): self.distribution = distribution self.max_strength = max_strength
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph): for cell in self.get_cells(): if not cell.physics_enabled: continue if not cell.motion_force.enabled: cell.motion_force.enable() dir = Vector(np.random.uniform(low=-1, high=1, size=(3,))) match self.distribution: case ForceDist.CONSTANT: strength = self.max_strength case ForceDist.UNIFORM: strength = np.random.random_sample() * self.max_strength case ForceDist.GAUSSIAN: strength = np.random.normal() * self.max_strength case _: raise ValueError( "Motion noise distribution must be one of UNIFORM or GAUSSIAN." ) cell.motion_force.strength = strength cell.move_towards(dir)
"""Possible properties by which cells are colored.""" Colorizer = Enum("Colorizer", ["PRESSURE", "VOLUME", "RANDOM"])
[docs] class ColorizeHandler(Handler): """Handler for coloring cells based off of a specified property. Cells are colored on a blue-red spectrum, based on the relative value of the specified property to all other cells. For example, the cell with the highest pressure is colored red, while the cell with an average pressure is colored purple. Attributes: colorizer (Colorizer): the property by which cells are colored. """ def __init__(self, colorizer: Colorizer = Colorizer.PRESSURE): self.colorizer = colorizer
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph): red = Vector((1.0, 0.0, 0.0)) blue = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0)) match self.colorizer: case Colorizer.PRESSURE: ps = np.array([cell.pressure for cell in self.get_cells()]) ps = (ps - np.min(ps)) / max(np.max(ps) - np.min(ps), 1) case Colorizer.VOLUME: ps = np.array([cell.volume() for cell in self.get_cells()]) ps = (ps - np.min(ps)) / max(np.max(ps) - np.min(ps), 1) case Colorizer.RANDOM: ps = np.random.rand(len(self.get_cells())) case _: raise ValueError( "Colorizer must be one of PRESSURE, VOLUME, or RANDOM." ) for cell, p in zip(self.get_cells(), ps): color = blue.lerp(red, p) cell.recolor(tuple(color))
@staticmethod def _get_divisions(cells: list[Cell]): """Calculate a list of cells that have divided in the past frame. Each element of the list contains a tuple of three names: that of the mother cell, and then the two daughter cells. Returns: List of tuples of mother and daughter cell names. """ divisions = set() for cell in cells: if "divided" in cell and cell["divided"]: divisions.add( ([:-2],[:-2] + ".0",[:-2] + ".1") ) return list(divisions) @staticmethod def _contact_area(cell1: Cell, cell2: Cell, threshold=0.1): """Calculate the contact areas between two cells. Contact is defined as two faces that are within a set threshold distance from each other. Args: cell1: First cell to calculate contact. cell2: Second cell to calculate contact. threshold: Maximum distance between two faces of either cell to consider as contact. Returns: A tuple containing for elements: - Total area of cell1 in contact with cell2 - Total area of cell2 in contact with cell1 - Ratio of area of cell1 in contact with cell2 - Ratio of area of cell2 in contact with cell1 """ faces1 = faces2 = centers1 = [cell1.obj_eval.matrix_world @ for f in faces1] centers2 = [cell2.obj_eval.matrix_world @ for f in faces2] dists = np.array(cdist(centers1, centers2, "euclidean")) contact_faces1 = np.any(dists < threshold, axis=1) contact_faces2 = np.any(dists < threshold, axis=0) areas1 = np.array([f.area for f in faces1]) areas2 = np.array([f.area for f in faces2]) contact_areas1 = np.sum(areas1[contact_faces1]) contact_areas2 = np.sum(areas2[contact_faces2]) ratio1 = contact_areas1 / np.sum(areas1) ratio2 = contact_areas2 / np.sum(areas2) return contact_areas1, contact_areas2, ratio1, ratio2 @staticmethod def _contact_areas(cells, threshold=4): """Calculate the pairwise contact areas between a list of cells. Contact is calculated heuristically by first screening cells that are within a certain threshold distance between each other. Args: cells: The list of cells to calculate contact areas over. threshold: The maximum distance between cells to consider them for contact. Returns: A list of tuples containing pairwise contact areas and contact ratios. See :func:`_contact_area`. """ coms = [cell.COM() for cell in cells] dists = squareform(pdist(coms, "euclidean")) mask = dists < threshold mask = np.triu(mask, k=1) pairs = np.where(mask) areas = { [] for cell in cells} ratios = { [] for cell in cells} for i, j in zip(pairs[0], pairs[1]): contact_area_i, contact_area_j, ratio_i, ratio_j = _contact_area( cells[i], cells[j] ) areas[cells[i].name].append((cells[j].name, contact_area_i)) areas[cells[j].name].append((cells[i].name, contact_area_j)) ratios[cells[i].name].append((cells[j].name, ratio_i)) ratios[cells[j].name].append((cells[i].name, ratio_j)) return areas, ratios class _all: def __get__(self, instance, cls): return ~cls(0)
[docs] class DataFlag(Flag): """Enum of data flags used by the :func:`DataExporter` handler. Attributes: TIMES: time elapsed since beginning of simulation. DIVISIONS: list of cells that have divided and their daughter cells. MOTION_PATH: list of the current position of each cell. FORCE_PATH: list of the current positions of the associated motion force of each cell. VOLUMES: list of the current volumes of each cell. PRESSURES: list of the current pressures of each cell. CONTACT_AREAS: list of contact areas between each pair of cells. CONCENTRATIONS: concentrations of each molecule in the grid system. """ TIMES = auto() DIVISIONS = auto() MOTION_PATH = auto() FORCE_PATH = auto() VOLUMES = auto() PRESSURES = auto() CONTACT_AREAS = auto() GRID = auto() CELL_CONCENTRATIONS = auto() ALL = _all()
[docs] class DataExporter(Handler): """Handler for the reporting and saving of data generated during the simulation. Attributes: path (str): Path to save .json file of calculated metrics. If empty, statistics are printed instead. options: (DataFlag): Flags of which metrics to calculated and save/print. Flags can be combined by binary OR operation, i.e. `DataFlag.TIMES | DataFlag.DIVISIONS`. """ def __init__(self, path="", options: DataFlag = DataFlag.ALL): self.path = path self.options = options
[docs] @override def setup(self, get_cells: Callable[[], list[Cell]], get_diffsystems: Callable[[], list[DiffusionSystem]], dt): super(DataExporter, self).setup(get_cells, get_diffsystems, dt) self.time_start = out = {"seed": bpy.context.scene["seed"], "frames": []} if self.path: with open(self.path, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(out)) else: print(out), bpy.context.evaluated_depsgraph_get())
[docs] @override def run(self, scene, depsgraph): frame_out = {"frame": scene.frame_current} if self.options & DataFlag.TIMES: frame_out["time"] = ( - self.time_start).total_seconds() if self.options & DataFlag.DIVISIONS: frame_out["divisions"] = _get_divisions(self.get_cells()) frame_out["cells"] = [] for cell in self.get_cells(): cell_out = {"name":} frame_out["cells"].append(cell_out) if self.options & DataFlag.MOTION_PATH: cell_out["loc"] = tuple(cell.loc) if self.options & DataFlag.FORCE_PATH: cell_out["motion_loc"] = tuple(cell.motion_force.loc) if self.options & DataFlag.VOLUMES: cell_out["volume"] = cell.volume() if self.options & DataFlag.PRESSURES and cell.physics_enabled: cell_out["pressure"] = cell.pressure if self.options & DataFlag.CELL_CONCENTRATIONS: cell_out["concentrations"] = cell.molecules_conc if self.options & DataFlag.CONTACT_AREAS: areas, ratios = _contact_areas(self.get_cells()) frame_out["contact_areas"] = areas frame_out["contact_ratios"] = ratios if self.options & DataFlag.GRID: for diff_system in self.get_diff_systems(): grid_conc = diff_system._grid_concentrations mol = diff_system._molecules[0] if mol._name not in frame_out: frame_out[mol._name] = { "concentrations": self._convert_numpy_to_list(grid_conc) } if self.path: with open(self.path, "r") as f: out = json.load(f) out["frames"].append(frame_out) with open(self.path, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(out)) else: print(frame_out)
def _convert_numpy_to_list(self, obj): """Convert numpy arrays to lists for JSON serialization.""" if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return obj.tolist() elif isinstance(obj, dict): return {k: self._convert_numpy_to_list(v) for k, v in obj.items()} elif isinstance(obj, list): return [self._convert_numpy_to_list(i) for i in obj] else: return obj
[docs] class SliceExporter(Handler): """Handler to save Z slices of the simulation at each frame.""" def __init__( self, output_dir: str = "", z_range: tuple[float, float] = (5, -5), z_step: float = 0.2, microscope_dt: int = 10 ): self.output_dir = output_dir self.z_range = z_range self.z_step = z_step self.microscope_dt = microscope_dt if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir)
[docs] def run(self, scene: bpy.types.Scene, depsgraph: bpy.types.Depsgraph): # export slices every microscope_dt if scene.frame_current % self.microscope_dt != 0: return time_step = scene.frame_current // self.microscope_dt time_step_dir = os.path.join(self.output_dir, f"T{time_step:03d}") if not os.path.exists(time_step_dir): os.makedirs(time_step_dir) # Check if a camera named 'SliceExporterCamera' already exists camera ='SliceExporterCamera') if camera is None: # No camera exists, so create and center it camera = create_and_center_camera(location=(0, 0, 5), target=(0, 0, 0)) # Set the created or existing camera as the active camera = camera z_start, z_end = self.z_range num_slices = int(abs(z_end - z_start) / self.z_step) + 1 print("Number of slices:", num_slices) # Iterate over z-axis for i in range(num_slices): # current slice position slice_z = z_start + i * self.z_step if z_start < z_end else z_start - i * self.z_step camera.location.z = slice_z print("Camera location:", camera.location) # thin slice = 0 # front of the camera = self.z_step # end of the slice being photographed slice_filename = f"slice_z{i:03d}.png" filepath = os.path.join(time_step_dir, slice_filename) bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = filepath # OpenGL render from the active camera's perspective bpy.ops.render.opengl(write_still=True, view_context=False)
# add a step to convert from RGB to 8-bit grayscale
[docs] @staticmethod def create_and_center_camera(location=(0, 0, 10), target=(0, 0, 0)): """Create a new camera object, set its parameters, center it to the specified location, and orient it towards the target. Args: location: The location to place the camera (default is (0, 0, 10)). target: The point the camera should face (default is the origin in (0, 0, 0)). """ # new camera data block cam_data ="SliceExporterCamera") cam_object ="SliceExporterCamera", cam_data) cam_object.location = location direction = Vector(target) - cam_object.location cam_object.rotation_euler = direction.to_track_quat('Z', 'Y').to_euler() # acquisition parameters = 'ORTHO' = 20 return cam_object